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Emmi Määttä Emmi Määttä


DaMigra focuses on empowerment, fighting racism, sexism, and inequality, and organizes events for migrant and refugee women across the country.

Empowering Migrant Women: The Story of DaMigra

Since 2014, DaMigra has been at the forefront of advocating for the rights and interests of migrant women across Germany. As an umbrella organization representing over 60 migrant women’s groups, DaMigra plays a crucial role in amplifying their voices in politics, media, business, and public life.

DaMigra’s mission centers on empowerment—ensuring the equal participation of migrant women in all areas of society, from politics to culture and the workforce. By addressing systemic issues like racism, sexism, and social inequality, DaMigra creates pathways for migrant women to actively shape their communities and futures.

A key part of DaMigra’s work is its nationwide presence, organizing events and initiatives for women* with migration and refugee backgrounds. These programs build networks, foster solidarity, and provide the skills and resources women need to thrive.

With roots going back to the 1980s, DaMigra’s mission is deeply connected to the broader fight against racism, sexism, and exclusion in the German women’s movement. Migrant, Jewish, and women of color sought a platform to combat these injustices, and DaMigra was founded to fulfill this need. Today, the organization not only supports the development and networking of migrant women’s groups but also ensures their concerns are heard at the national level.

At the interface between civil society and political decision-makers, DaMigra bridges the gap between grassroots activism and policy-making. Internally, it strengthens the network of migrant women’s organizations, and externally, it brings their interests to the forefront of national discussions.

We proudly support DaMigra because their work aligns with our commitment to social justice, equality, and empowerment. By standing with DaMigra, we contribute to a future where migrant women are fully included in shaping Germany’s political, social, and economic landscape. Their fight for equality isn’t just for migrant women—it’s a fight for a fairer society for all.

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Emmi Määttä Emmi Määttä

Integration Through Sport

Integration through Sport promotes diversity and inclusion by encouraging active participation in organized sports for individuals with migration backgrounds.

Integration Through Sport: Promoting Diversity and Enabling Participation

In today's increasingly diverse societies, sport serves as a powerful tool for fostering integration and promoting inclusivity. The federal program "Integration through Sport" is a shining example of how targeted initiatives can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals with migration backgrounds. By offering tailor-made opportunities, this program not only encourages participation in organized sports but also helps to impart essential skills and values that are fundamental across all areas of society.

Promoting Active and Sustainable Participation

The "Integration through Sport" program is designed to not only encourage initial participation but to ensure that it is both active and sustainable. This is achieved through a variety of means, including the creation of sports clubs that are welcoming to all, regardless of background. These clubs often serve as more than just places to play sports; they become community hubs where individuals can build networks, gain confidence, and develop a sense of belonging.

Moreover, the program emphasizes the importance of voluntary involvement in the sports community. By taking on roles such as coaches, referees, or club officials, individuals with migration backgrounds can further integrate into society while also giving back to the community. This involvement helps to break down stereotypes and demonstrates that everyone has valuable contributions to make, regardless of their origin.

Developing Core Competencies and Values

Beyond the physical benefits, sport plays a crucial role in teaching core competencies and values that are vital in all areas of life. Discipline, teamwork, leadership, and the ability to cope with both success and failure are just a few of the skills that are honed through regular participation in sports. These competencies are not only important on the field but are also transferable to other areas such as education, employment, and social interaction.

For individuals with migration backgrounds, mastering these skills can be particularly empowering. They help to level the playing field, giving everyone the tools they need to succeed in a variety of contexts. Additionally, the values of fairness, respect, and solidarity that are central to sportsmanship are also essential for fostering a cohesive and inclusive society.

A Pathway to Integration

"Integration through Sport" is more than just a program—it's a pathway to meaningful integration and participation in society. By providing opportunities for people with migration backgrounds to engage in sports, it opens doors to new experiences, friendships, and opportunities. It demonstrates that diversity is not a barrier to success but a strength that enriches our communities.

As we continue to build inclusive societies, initiatives like "Integration through Sport" are vital. They remind us that sport is not just about physical fitness or competition; it's about bringing people together, breaking down barriers, and building a more connected and harmonious society for all.

Why We Stand Behind Integration Through Sport

Sport is more than just a game; it’s a powerful force for social integration, promoting diversity and enabling active participation in society. Through programs like "Integration through Sport," we see firsthand how this potential can be harnessed to create more inclusive communities. We support this initiative because it aligns with our belief that everyone, regardless of their background, deserves the opportunity to belong, to contribute, and to thrive. For us, it’s about more than just fostering physical fitness—it’s about opening doors, building connections, and making sure that every person feels valued. When we play together, we learn to live together, celebrating our differences while finding the common ground that unites us all.

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Emmi Määttä Emmi Määttä

Genial Digital

Genial Digital is close to our hearts because it empowers both children and parents with the knowledge they need to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.

Navigating the Digital World: A Guide for Kids and Parents

In today's digital age, understanding how to be safe and have fun online is crucial, especially for young users getting their first taste of the Internet. The magazine Genial Digital, published by the German Children's Fund, is a fantastic resource aimed at children aged 8 to 11, covering essential topics related to their first smartphone and online presence.

Getting Started with Your First Smartphone

Setting up a first smartphone can be an exciting yet daunting task for kids and parents alike. Genial Digital provides step-by-step guidance on how to set up a smartphone, ensuring it is done safely and securely. From choosing strong passwords to setting up parental controls, the magazine ensures that children can navigate their new device confidently.

Understanding Social Networks

Social networks are a big part of modern communication, but they come with their own set of challenges. The magazine explains what social networks are and what children should pay attention to when using them. This includes understanding privacy settings, recognizing the importance of respectful communication, and knowing how to handle friend requests from strangers.

Protecting Personal Data Online

One of the most crucial aspects of being online is safeguarding personal data. Genial Digital delves into why protecting personal information is so important and offers practical tips for children to keep their data secure. This includes being cautious about sharing personal details and recognizing suspicious activities that could lead to data breaches.

Identifying and Dealing with Online Threats

The digital world isn't free from dangers such as fake news, cyberbullying, and hate speech. The magazine educates children on what these threats are, how to identify them, and what actions to take if they encounter them. By empowering children with this knowledge, Genial Digital helps foster a safer online environment.

Healthy Use of Digital Media

Balancing screen time and healthy habits is vital for young users. The magazine offers advice on how to use digital media healthily, emphasizing the importance of taking breaks, engaging in offline activities, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle.

Engaging Activities for Kids

To make learning fun, Genial Digital is packed with puzzles, experiments, game ideas, and more. These activities are designed to reinforce the educational content, making it easier for children to absorb and apply what they’ve learned.

Guidance for Parents

Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children through the digital landscape. The magazine provides valuable suggestions for parents on how to accompany and support their children in media use. It encourages open communication and shared experiences, offering tips for discussing online safety and setting boundaries together.

Supporting Genial Digital Together

Genial Digital is close to our hearts because it empowers both children and parents with the knowledge they need to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. We love how it addresses crucial issues like online safety, data protection, and healthy media use, ensuring that young users can enjoy their digital experiences while staying informed and secure. By fostering a safer and more informed digital environment, Genial Digital is a valuable tool for today's tech-savvy families, and we are proud to support it.

You can download Genial digital here for free:

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Emmi Määttä Emmi Määttä

Berliner Tafel

The Berlin Tafel project rescues food from being destroyed and redistributes it to around 400 social institutions, including lunch tables for the unemployed, soup kitchens for the homeless, and shared flats for former street kids.

Transforming Surplus into Support

In Berlin, a unique initiative is making a significant difference in the lives of those affected by poverty. The Berlin Tafel project rescues food from being destroyed and redistributes it to around 400 social institutions, including lunch tables for the unemployed, soup kitchens for the homeless, and shared flats for former street kids.

Pioneering Change

Founded as the first Tafel in Germany, the Berliner Tafel addresses the disparity between those who have too much and those who have too little. By rescuing surplus food, the project not only prevents waste but also supports people in need through various social institutions and the LAIB and SEELE distribution points. Additionally, the Berliner Tafel offers cooking courses for children and young people, empowering the next generation with essential life skills.

A Community Effort

The Berliner Tafel operates as a non-profit association, distinct from a non-profit GmbH or a state institution. Membership in the association supports its work through fees, and members can choose to volunteer if they wish. The backbone of the Berliner Tafel’s success is its dedicated volunteers, who contribute their time, knowledge, and passion in various capacities. Whether they help weekly or annually, every contribution is invaluable.

The Pillars of Berliner Tafel

The work of the Berliner Tafel is built on three main pillars:

  1. Berliner Tafel Klassik: The core operation of rescuing and redistributing food.

  2. LAIB and SEELE: A collaboration with churches and the regional broadcaster rbb to distribute food.

  3. KIMBA: Initiatives like cooking courses aimed at educating children and young people about food and nutrition.

Make an Impact with Us

We are passionate about the Berliner Tafel because it not only transforms excess into sustenance but also builds a stronger, more resilient community. This incredible initiative combats waste and ensures that no one is left behind. By supporting the Berliner Tafel, we believe we can inspire others to contribute to a fairer, more sustainable society. Together, we can show how local efforts have the power to make a global impact, turning surplus into sustenance and creating a brighter future for everyone.

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Patricia Bella Patricia Bella

CC - CancelCancer

Unterstützung für „Cancel Cancer“ Verein:

Gemeinsam für eine Kindheit ohne Krebs

Unterstützung für „Cancel Cancer“: Gemeinsam für eine Kindheit ohne Krebs

In Deutschland stehen jedes Jahr rund 2.000 Familien vor der erschütternden Diagnose, dass ihr Kind an Krebs erkrankt ist. Die häufigsten Diagnosen umfassen Blutkrebs, Tumore des Lymphgewebes sowie Hirntumore. Trotz der Schwere dieser Erkrankungen findet die Kinderkrebsforschung nicht immer die Aufmerksamkeit und Finanzierung, die sie dringend benötigt. Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns entschlossen, die Kampagne „Cancel Cancer“ zu unterstützen, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, auf diese wichtige Thematik aufmerksam zu machen und die Forschung in diesem Bereich voranzutreiben.

Was ist „Cancel Cancer“?

„Cancel Cancer“ ist eine Initiative, die darauf abzielt, die Kinderkrebsforschung zu unterstützen und zu fördern. Angesichts der begrenzten Mittel und der geringen öffentlichen Aufmerksamkeit für diese Erkrankungen, hat sich „Cancel Cancer“ zum Ziel gesetzt, ein Bewusstsein zu schaffen und finanzielle Unterstützung zu mobilisieren. Die Kampagne arbeitet eng mit Botschafterinnen und Botschaftern zusammen, um für eine Kindheit ohne Krebs zu kämpfen.

Warum wir „Cancel Cancer“ unterstützen

Die Vision: Kind sein bedeutet, unbeschwert in der Natur spielen zu können, nicht an morgen denken zu müssen und sich in seinem eigenen Körper wohlzufühlen. Diese Vision einer sorgenfreien Kindheit ist jedoch für viele Kinder, die an Krebs erkrankt sind, weit entfernt von der Realität. Wir möchten unserer Unterstützung für „Cancel Cancer“ aufzeigen, wie wichtig es ist Kind sein zu dürfen und finden die Initiative und Kampagne sehr wichtig, da die Forschung unterstüzt wird, die letztendlich dazu beitragen kann, die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten zu verbessern und den betroffenen Kindern eine bessere Zukunft zu ermöglichen.

Wie kann man helfen

Es gibt viele Wege, wie Sie die Kampagne „Cancel Cancer“ unterstützen können.

Jede Spende, unabhängig von der Höhe, hilft, wichtige Forschungsprojekte zu finanzieren und den betroffenen Kindern und ihren Familien Hoffnung zu geben. Darüber hinaus ist die Sensibilisierung für diese Thematik von entscheidender Bedeutung, um eine breitere öffentliche Unterstützung zu gewinnen.

Wir ermutigen jeden, sich bei “CC - Cancel Cancer” zu informieren, das Bewusstsein in seinem Umfeld zu schärfen und aktiv zu werden.

Wir sind stolz darauf, „Cancel Cancer“ zu unterstützen und hoffen, dass unsere Gemeinschaft sich uns anschließt, um einen Unterschied im Leben krebskranker Kinder zu machen. Gemeinsam können wir auf eine Zukunft hinarbeiten, in der Kinderkrebs der Vergangenheit angehört.

Mehr über CancelCancer findet ihr hier:

Zum Kampagnenvideo geht es hier: YouTube

Die Initiative wurde unter der Schirmherrschaft von Nico Hofmann sowie von den Initiator:innen Timo Wentzel, Daniel Littau, Manuel Mohnke, Andreas Olenberg und Tanja Kreideweise ins Leben gerufen.

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Patricia Bella Patricia Bella


Welcome to the della bella Foundation!

We are excited to announce that our website is now live and ready to share with the world what we are all about. Our aim is to bring unity and love for the next, to projects and people who need an extra push through funding and knowledge, guiding them towards lasting solutions. We believe that by working together, we can make a life-altering difference in our communities.

Our mission is to lead and be a catalyst in connecting, educating, and supporting one another towards improving, repairing, and bettering our communities. We believe in bringing blessings and being a blessing to others by providing opportunities for betterment, knowledge, and aid to those in need. Our goal is to strengthen, empower, and unify people to take active charge in changing the world around us.

We are passionate about the projects that are unique and impact the lives of those involved. Our first project to showcase, SuN, is the follow-up project to the Accommodation for Clarification of Claims (UzA). SuN accommodated several hundred homeless people until the end of August and operates according to the principles of Housing First. The SuN project has provided much-needed support and stability to individuals who may have otherwise been left without a roof over their head.

Our second project, Learning by Doing, is a program that creates meeting places for people with migration and refugee backgrounds and people from the neighborhood. Full-time employees and volunteers show participants how to handle tasks independently, such as writing a CV. This program has helped to build autonomy and independence, as well as intercultural skills, among those involved.

We are always searching for new projects that align with our mission and goals. We are open to initiatives and welcome the opportunity to support and assist in any way that we can. We believe that by bringing people together and providing support when needed, we can make a significant impact on our communities and the world around us.

As we continue to grow and expand our reach, we will keep you updated on the projects we are working with and on and the positive impact they are having. Our team is passionate and dedicated to making a difference and we are excited to see what the future holds.

Together, let's make a difference!


The Foundation Team

Welcome to the della bella Foundation!

We are excited to announce that our website is now live and ready to share with the world what we are all about. Our aim is to bring unity and love for the next, to projects and people who need an extra push through funding and knowledge, guiding them towards lasting solutions. We believe that by working together, we can make a life-altering difference in our communities.

Our mission is to lead and be a catalyst in connecting, educating, and supporting one another towards improving, repairing, and bettering our communities. We believe in bringing blessings and being a blessing to others by providing opportunities for betterment, knowledge, and aid to those in need. Our goal is to strengthen, empower, and unify people to take active charge in changing the world around us.

We are passionate about the projects that are unique and impact the lives of those involved. Our first project to showcase, SuN, is the follow-up project to the Accommodation for Clarification of Claims (UzA). SuN accommodated several hundred homeless people until the end of August and operates according to the principles of Housing First. The SuN project has provided much-needed support and stability to individuals who may have otherwise been left without a roof over their head.

Our second project, Learning by Doing, is a program that creates meeting places for people with migration and refugee backgrounds and people from the neighborhood. Full-time employees and volunteers show participants how to handle tasks independently, such as writing a CV. This program has helped to build autonomy and independence, as well as intercultural skills, among those involved.

We are always searching for new projects that align with our mission and goals. We are open to initiatives and welcome the opportunity to support and assist in any way that we can. We believe that by bringing people together and providing support when needed, we can make a significant impact on our communities and the world around us.

As we continue to grow and expand our reach, we will keep you updated on the projects we are working with and on and the positive impact they are having. Our team is passionate and dedicated to making a difference and we are excited to see what the future holds.

Together, let's make a difference!


The Foundation Team

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